We the people of the Micronation of Awesome see these laws as just as to govern our great nation and not be changed by any leaders hereafter.
  1. There is no sole ruler. All citizens will take turn acting as executive officer for the week but all actions of that officer concerning the nation of Awesome, must be ratified in a bi-weekly meeting of all citizens, and will be voted on at said meeting.
  2. No stealing. First of all it’s wrong. But if a person is convicted of stealing, the rest of the nation can take something of equal value from said person
  3. The nation of Awesome will start no fights, wars, etc but in the situation that one is started the entire nation of awesome will fight to protect  the nation, and all that it stands for.
  4. Milkshakes are freaking amazing. So is pocky. No one is to argue this point ever again.
  5. No citizen will dip their fries into their milkshake and talk about how it is a simple pleasure of life. If a citizen does, he will be punched in the face and thrown from the building, vehicle, etc. immediately.
  6. The consequences of law 5 also apply to anyone that makes a bad joke and does not warn the surrounding citizens
